Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Clearing Lyme

In a previous chapter (Lyme Brain), I referred to Lyme as a disease that not only has a physical component to it (i.e. the actual borrelia spirochete) but also a spiritual component. Using analogies from the Netflix show Stranger Things, I compared Lyme to the “Shadow Monster” that lurks in the “Upside Down” dimension. In other words, the Lyme is an actual negative energy and a battle with Lyme is almost like a battle between positive energy and negative energy. This would mean that you’ve only won half the battle if you’ve treated the physical component of Lyme with medication or vitamin supplements. If Lyme is an actual negative energy, then physical medications and vitamins are powerless against it. Something else must be done. But what?

Well, I started doing some Googling to see if I got any hits that would confirm my suspicions about Lyme and its energetic properties. Specifically, I Googled “clearing Lyme from my energy field” and I stumbled upon an excerpt from a book. The book was called Clear Your Way to Freedom: The Key to Unlocking Your Whole Healing by Rachael Bleau. In the excerpt, the author discussed how she did energy healing and had a client who had Lyme for more than ten years. This healer was able to locate the actual energy of the Lyme that was hiding out in one of the client’s bodily cells, remove it, and replace the cell with positive energy. Her client ultimately ended up being 100 percent Lyme-free and also 100 percent symptom-free. After years of trying drug after drug and supplement after supplement, it was this energetic healing that ultimately brought her the complete healing she needed.

Needless to say, the book sounded very intriguing. I ended up ordering it on Amazon and I read it in full within a couple of days. I found the concept extremely interesting. Could many—if not all—chronic diseases just be a stubborn ball of negative energy that must be removed from our bodies? Conventional drugs and vitamins are certainly necessary, but is energy healing that one last step we must take to reach a state of normalcy again?

I was willing to give energy healing a try. And, believe it or not, I already knew how to perform such a healing…sort of. About 15 years ago, my family started seeing a “health coach”. This “health coach” was a dietician, a homeopathic therapist and also a Reiki master. Initially, my family and I started seeing her for allergies but then we eventually started getting Reiki treatments as well. These treatments consisted of her “clearing” certain allergies from our bodies or also thought-patterns, traumas, insecurities or any other negative energies that weren’t in our highest and best interest to “have with us” at the time.

I personally saw this “health coach” for a variety of issues, mainly allergies, but she cleared me of all different things, like antibiotics I had taken in the past, as well as vaccines. She also cleared negative thought-patterns I had. She even cleared me of a pneumonia-causing bacteria (mycoplasma) I had inhaled via sawdust.

Anyway, at a certain point down the line, my “health coach” taught me how to clear negative energies on my own. This way, I didn’t have to see said health coach whenever I had picked up something negative. I could feel empowered knowing I had the power to rid myself of the energy, all on my own. 

The clearing method she taught me involved a pendulum, a bathroom sink and also a few magic words. I’m kind of kidding about the magic words but not completely because there are some special words you must say. Basically, you ask your “higher self” to “please remove any energies that are not in my highest and best interest to have with me at this time.” With one hand you hold the faucet and with the other hand you hold your pendulum. After you say the magic words, the pendulum starts swinging and you wait for it to finish swinging until becoming still again. Once the pendulum is still, the clearing is done.

For the most part, I usually did a general clearing of negative energy; that is, I asked my higher self to identify, disorganize and remove all energies that were not in my highest and best interest to have with me at the time. This would clear my body of any general negative energy I may have picked up while I was out and about in the world. However, you can also be specific about what energy you want cleared. It could be a specific trauma or though-pattern. It could also be a specific virus or disease.

In my current case, I obviously wanted to specifically target Lyme and that’s exactly what I did. Boy, let me tell you, that pendulum started moving like crazy as soon as I said the "magic words". It took about 7-10 minutes for it to stop moving. I thought this was a good sign. If the pendulum was any accurate indication, hopefully a great deal of negative energy was clearing from my body and, using the running faucet as a conductor (only a trickle of water is necessary), the energy was running down the drain and being carried down to the bowels of the earth. That’s how the theory goes, anyway.

I felt a bit lightheaded afterwards, which was normal, but I must say: as the day went on, I felt kind of lighter, like a heaviness in my energy had been lifted. As the days went forward, I could tell I was clearing because I would feel fatigued at times and even have mysterious hotspots on my body. Based on my experiences with clearing in the past, I knew this was normal and I just had to ride it all out.

Gradually, I started to feel less and less 'off' and more and more like myself, kind of like I had won my body back. Of course, it's not like a magic wand was waved and, wa-lah, I was well again. The benefits of the clearing have been gradual.

As I write this, I still seem to be improving, slowly but surely. I do believe clearing Lyme was one more necessary step to take in my healing process, along with the initial antibiotics and subsequent vitamin regimen etc.

The question now is, how far will this clearing take me in my healing? Only time will provide the answer. Patience will be needed, perhaps more patience than I've ever needed in my entire life...